Monday, September 3, 2007

{entry one}

Who are you? Why are you here? Tell everyone a bit about yourself—whatever you want to share. Think about the why you’re here at college, how you ended up in this class, and what you want to learn/gain by taking this class and getting a college degree.

Late January, 70 degrees, six bands, 400 people, five hours, and one dark humid church basement. This was my sixteenth birthday party.

I'm Christine, and I'm kind of a big deal, well--I want to be. At the age of 15 I planned, booked, and promoted the biggest local show the city of Baltimore had seen in a long time. Fast forward two months and I am now the creator and editor of Scene Trash Magazine & Promotions. In addition to running a magazine I am on the street teams of several major and indie record labels and I have become a prominent member of the Baltimore music scene.

The past two years have been a whirlwind of flyers, guest lists, concerts, roadtrips, bands, friends and enemies, and besides some mentoring and reading a few books, it's all been instinct, luck and a whole lot of determination. Thirteen issues & two years later, it's time to do things a bit more traditionally--not that a major in Music Marketing & Administration is traditional, but life by the book's a bit boring.

Some Less Important Things About Me: I'm seventeen years old, I have the best friends in the world. I have a livejournal, that I should write in more. I like Myspace way more than Facebook. I have famous friends, and will go to a different states just to see the same band for the third time in a week. I live near White Marsh, MD and I think you can tell alot about a person by the music they listen to. I'm think NYC & Chicago are amazing cities (the blog I chose to do is about NYC). I never want to work for someone 9 to 5, and I believe whole heartedly in this quote:

"Rock 'n' roll is a lifestyle and a way of thinking... and it's not about money and popularity... Although, some money would be nice. But it's a voice that says, "Here I am... and **** you if you can't understand me." And one of these people is gonna save the world. And that means that rock 'n' roll can save the world... all of us together."

If you know what movie that's from... we can be very good friends. If you don't... how bout we watch it together!?


Si said...

You seem so cool (both in the blog and in class)! I used to be in a band too but it didn't turn out too well...And that quote sounds so familiar but I have no idea what its from. I probably just heard it on the go or something. Anyway, hope to hear more from you in class!

Lindz said...

Hey Christine. We sound a lot alike. I also managed to put together an awesome week long concert with 42 bands in my hometown. For my graduation project I opened up a scholarship in memory of my best friend. I have a lot of friends in some pretty semi-famous bands and with the help of one of them and his contacts I was able to pull off an awesome concert in which all proceeds went to the scholarship fund. Hard work, but it really feels awesome in the end doesn’t it? I also have some of my work published. Anyway, see you Thursday.

April said...

Wow, you're a journalist? That is really amazing for someone so young. I'm very pleased to see someone doing so well for themselves. I also like MySpace better, but everyone as a facebook, so I have both.I'm really glad that we will get to share a class together.

Syd said...

Hey Christine ! Thats really cool that you were able to put something together like that at such a young age. You seem really dedicated to you work. I also am interested in the journalism field and hope to be an editor one day.
See you in class !

Rodney D. Foxworth, Jr. said...

Hey Christine. It's good to know we have a music aficionado in the classroom. I'm a arts and entertainment writer, so maybe I can check out some of the many bands you have connected with. See you in class.

~*Jade*~ said...

It's amazing that you run your own magazine! I know how tough it is for my bosses! I got into it because my dad's company was an advertiser so he put me in contact with the ad manager and I started as an intern. I love the process and the advertising perspective!

meioux3 said...

Hey :] It's great that you were able to organize such a big event at such a young age. You seem to be very motivated and dedicated in what interests you. Anyways, I really like the quote you posted up. Which movie is it from?

Eric Piccirelli said...

that would be a hot hot heat poster. definitely my favorite. i got it at their show down in DC May of '05!